~how to make a seed packet pallet wood sign~

Today I want to show you how to make a sign from old pallet wood. Of course,
you don't have to use pallet wood, any kind will do.

Start by deciding what size you want your sign to be. I just laid a few pieces together to get a width I liked.

Then I cut them all the same length.

Turn your piece so that the roughest side is facing you. This will
be the back. Cut random pieces of scrap wood and using a nail gun or screw gun, attach
them to the pallet wood. This will hold it all together.

When it is all attached together, you are ready to make your pattern.
Find a vintage seed packet image and print it out.
Take it to your local copy center and enlarge it. You can
use the oversize printer, which I usually do, or piece it together.
When I went to enlarge mine, the oversized printer was in use, so I pieced mine
together. Either way works.

Turn your pattern over and scribble with a pencil all over the back. You
really only need to cover the part with the image.

Once that is done, place your pattern back on the wood and tape it in place.
Using a ballpoint pen, trace over the outlines of the image.

After you have completely traced over everything, you can remove the paper.
Then, using a fine brush and a variety of paints, fill in where the pencil transferred.

That's it! When it's dry, hang it in your favorite spot!

Let me know what you end up creating! I love to hear from you!

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