~create a gallery wall with Ikea Ribba frames~

Yesterday I received an email inquiring about the gallery wall in our living room.
I have had several questions about it, so I thought I would address it here today.

First of all, as with most things in our home, this wall has seen a lot of changes.
However, this is the one look I have been the happiest with, and it is the one that stays.

I used these inexpensive frames from Ikea.
I LOVE ribba frames. I have them everywhere in my house, they create the biggest bang for your buck.
No, Ikea did not pay me to say that~but if you are reading........ :)
So for $120.00 plus tax, I created a great statement wall!

In the frames, I printed out vintage photos from early Crystal Lake days.

{the neighborhood where we live}

These photos date back to the 1920's and are a great nod to the past.
There's fishing photos, photos of the lodge covered in snow, and pictures of little kids playing, some of who now are in their 90's
and still live here. I just love the history.

So there you have it, a easy and inexpensive way to create a big impact if you have a large wall!


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